Friday, February 15, 2013

Moochies: A Fry Sauce Fiend's Paradise.

I recently checked out Moochies because I heard that Guy Fieri did a spot for this sandwich place on his Food Networks show “Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives”.
It quickly became one of my favorite places to eat. The sandwiches are excellent but that’s not what keeps me coming back. It’s the Fry Sauce – or, to be exact, their Freakin’ Fabulous Fry Sauce.

For my non-Utah friends, Fry sauce is kind of like Thousand Island Dressing – except it’s not. It’s hard to explain if you haven’t tried it but if you mix some ketchup together with an equal amount of Mayonnaise, then you’ve got yourself a crude Fry Sauce concoction.

What’s great about Moochies is that there is no limit on the Fry Sauce. After you order your sandwich, you walk over to the condiment bar, grab a whole bottle of Fry Sauce and take it to your table. Then you can poor on as much as you like. That’s good news for me. I’m a Fry Sauce fiend. I put plenty of it on my fries, also dip my sandwich in it along with whatever else is close by.

Moochies is extremely generous compared to some other places that give you this little teeny tiny cup of fry sauce that wouldn’t be enough to please a rat and actually think that they are doing you a favor.

I’m rating Moochies 4 stars for their excellent sandwiches and fries and then upgrading them to a full five stars for their Freakin’ Fabulous Fry.
 They also offer Jumpin Jalapeno Sauce.  Now that stuff has got a kick. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Luxury of Elastic

Before there was any such thing as elastic, guys wore garters like these to keep their socks up. Elastic seems like such a trivial thing, doesn't it? I’ve never even given it a second thought. But after seeing this photo, I’d say I'm pretty dang thankful for it. We really do take the luxuries of technology and modern convenience for granted.

Garters are still worn as a fashion statement and fancier ones can be found in any lingerie shop. Some guys still were them, too. I don’t want to offend anyone so if you’re the kind of guy who still thinks that garters are the only real way for a man to keep his socks up then you are okay by me.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

A Good Snack Recovery

What a catch! I was visiting my sister for her birthday and enjoying one of her pink frosting covered sugar cookies. Then, for some clumsy reason, I dropped the cookie. But it never hit the ground. It was almost like these Spiderman/ Ninja reflexes kicked in and I caught the cookie before it even got close.

Yes, the results were a little messy and eating the rest of the cookie was a finger licking experience. But at least I didn’t have to struggle over the 2 second rule to decide if I should finish the cookie or not. And I do feel pretty darn good about the catch.

Friday, February 1, 2013

A Nice Little Treasure

The other day, I was browsing through an antique toy store and came upon this nice little treasure – an official Hot Wheels carrying case. I had one of these when I was a kid. When I was growing up in the 70’s, Hot Wheels were very popular. There were very few boys who didn’t have at least a few Hot Wheels. Some, like me, had a lot of Hot Wheels. When a collection got too large to keep track of all the cars, it was time to buy a Hot Wheels carrying case. I think I even remember walking down to Kmart to get mine.

The antique store was charging 45 dollars for it so it was a little pricy. And there are some cheaper ones on Ebay. It was still nice to run into one of these. It brought back some good memories.