Sunday, December 23, 2012

This may sound dumb but....what is your name?

You know those awkward situations when you have gotten to know someone pretty well but for some silly reason you never got around to asking their name? And now you’re going to feel even sillier when you do ask them for it. You’ll probably look silly, too.

My pal Phil has never known my name even though I’ve known him for four years. Phil is a server at Village Inn. That’s how I know him. When I come in, I usually request Phil because he’s a darn good server. Yesterday, I was in for lunch and I guess he couldn’t take it anymore. He just came out and asked me what in the world my name is. I was surprised at first but after I thought about it, it rang true. I couldn’t remember a time when I’ve ever heard Phil use the letters E-V-A-N in a sentence.

It’s taken four long years but Phil and I are finally on a first name basis. Better late than never, I suppose. Granted, it was easier for me to learn Phil’s name because he’s the one wearing the name tag. But I did give him a suggestion that I hope will help him resolve any future customer name resolution problems.

“Phil, did you ever think of just taking a quick peak at the name on my credit card while you were ringing up my bill?”

It’s all about resourcefulness. I still think that Phil is the best server in town.
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