Friday, July 19, 2013

The secret hike at Zion

Melanie's secret hiking spot.  It's about a quarter mile past the entrance to the main canyon.

There was a lot more cars than Melanie was used to seeing on this hike.  We would learn why later why the hike was more popular than average today.

View opposite the trail head.
Melanie is ready to hike!

I spent a great majority of this hike looking at Melanie's back.  She doesn't wait around when there's a great trail ahead of her.

I can't believe I was able to hold on to this branch long enough for the photo.

Tricky boulder hopping dead ahead.

Melanie assessing a strategy for her descent.

Looks like fun ahead.

The importance of proper balance cannot be understated for this hike.

A Zion National Park lizard.

Here's where all the fun really was on this hike.

A youth group from Northern Utah had come down for a weekend at the park.  Flash flood alerts prevented them from going to far up the canyon so they settled for this spot.  They probably got a much better deal with this spot.
But Melanie and I have not yet reached our destination.  On we go.

This spot was tough.  Probably the trickiest part of the hike.
Melanie needs a break before taking further risk.  But she made it up.

Here's a higher view of the youth group taking jumps into the water.

This guy's about to do a back flip into the water.

Almost there.

Here we are! 

Some people from the same youth group making a sand castle.

The guy in the red shorts turned out to be a good photographer.

Are you taking a photo of me!
Here's a much better pose.

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