Sunday, June 2, 2013

"How could anyone?" and a Sunday drive to uncles.

On the trip down to my uncles, I heard a song on the Sunday music show that inspired another stop to track it down.  I got off the freeway at Thanksgiving point and took a side trip through American Fork.   This allowed me to pull over somewhere safely so could track down the song.

State Street passing through American Fork.

I was able to find the name of the song, though I'm not sure if it was the same person singing it.

The name of the song is "How could anyone?", written by Libby Roderick.  It's a deeply emotional song about the inherent beauty that we see in the people we love.  The song has been around for awhile - going back to the 1980's it looks like.  And it has had some popularity.

The global impact of her song "How Could Anyone" has been featured on CNN, in Readers Digest, and in the Associated Press. (Wikipedia)

For me it was a first time experience.  On any other day, it would probably be too sentimental but it was perfect for a Sunday drive.

Heading into Springville on 400 South

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