Saturday, July 6, 2013

Dog Lake Hike

Dog Lake

I sent out my the Facebook invite for the Dog lake hike two days ago.   There wasn't much time for people to plan and considering it was the 4th of July weekend, I was not likely to get a whole lot of people out for the hike.  But I got three to come and I was happy with that.  I met Dale, Brandy and Alena at the mouth of Big Cottonwood Canyon.  We drove up the canyon and parked our cars here at the Mill D North Fork parking lot.

This isn't where the hike begins.  It's where it ends.   The actual hike will start at the Butler Fork trail head which is a mile back down the road.

A cloudy view of a green hill across from the Mill D parking lot.

 We took Brandi's car down to Butler Fork and set out on our hike.
A first look at the Butler Fork Trail.

 The first part of the trail is a fairly steep hike up a mountain ridge.  Here, the four of us are just starting out on the tough climb. 

Here, the trail dips down a little bit but not for long.  It's going to get steep pretty quick.

 Dale and Alena really dusted Brandi and me at this part.  Dale can be see well ahead of me on the trail. 

Another look back at our progress.

We thought we had lost Dale and Alena but they finally got tired.  Alena can be seen peaking around the brushes.  

Back trail view

Looking straight down into the creek.  It's probably about 60 or 70 feet down to the creek from where I am standing.

The Mount Olympus sign marks the end of the long climb.  The hike will be easy for the next little ways but will get tougher again.

I love this bridge!  It's not too far past the Mount Olympus sign.  I posted the photo on Facebook and also turned it into my background photo.   

Dale posed for a photo on the bridge as well.

Aspen trees to the left of the trail.

After an enjoyable walk through the aspen, we came to this small clearing.
There is so much growth, the trail can barely be seen right ahead of me.

Here, we've just arrived at the "big clearing". 
This part of the hike doesn't have a lot of trees but has some beautiful scenery. 


Alena and Brandi stop and pose for a photo.  I got good photos of everyone in the clearing.




Alena and Brandi stopped to chat with some hikers heading the other way.



A very humble bumble bee gathering nectar


The trees are showing up again. 

This white flower caught Dale's fascination.  I obliged him with a few photo snaps.

A chipmunk in this tree began chirping rather loudly as we walked by.  We think it was getting a little territorial about us and was warning us off.

Dale went over to talk to the chipmunk.  He explained very tactfully that we were only passing by and there was no need to be so displeased about it.  Dale is always the diplomat.    

I'm very familiar with this spot.  It's the calm before the storm.  There is one more heart pounding climb up this hill before the lake. We start the climb at the end of the clearing.

It had been an enjoyable hike so far and if nothing out of the ordinary had happened,  we could have easily said that our hike was above average.  But then we got a surprise.  It was Alena who noticed this first.  Through the clearing, there can be seen a cow moose with her young calf. 

 We stopped and got a good look this unusual site.  And I record a small amount of video coverage.

The view wasn't great but at least we saw something.  We then walked closer.  The trail took us closer to the moose anyway.  
And it was here where I got my second recording of the moose which was a far better production.

I put this one on Facebook.  I find it hard getting people to read my videos posts on Facebook but this one did extremely well.

On we go.

 I took plenty of photos as we worked our way to the top of the hill. 


 Almost to the top!

 Alena and I made it up first.  Dale and Brandi where not far behind. 


We took a much needed rest at the top of the hill.  Then, it was on to the lake.  It was pretty smooth sailing from here.  The rest of the way was a flat 15 minute walk.

The ladies really started juicing it.  Dale and I could barely keep up with them. 
 I think they were in a hurry to finally reach our destination. Here, they paused for a moment to have a quick look back at us.  Then, they were off to the races again.

The ladies stopped here to wait for us. 
The trail splits off here into two trails and they weren't sure which path to take.  In fact, both trails lead down to the lake.   We went right which is the way I always go. 

Hiking down to the lake. 

We still couldn't keep up with the ladies!

 Hiking to Dog lake wouldn't be fitting without seeing some dogs.  We met a young couple cycling that had brought their pets.  We stopped to visit with them and get some doggy photos.   
I'd say that Dale has made two new friends! 
 It turns out that the couple is from Maine.  Dale is from Rhode Island and he was glad to be talking to some fellow New Englanders.  I think they all enjoyed the bonding.

This dog here is is Cocker Spaniel - like Lady in Lady and the Tramp! I didn't have a difficult time calling that one. 

This one was a tougher call and I had to get help from the owners.  It's half cocker spaniel and half poodle.  That makes it a Cockapoo.  This was another first for me.  I've heard of Cockapoo's but I never imagined that I would ever run into one.  And yet, here's a Cockapoo, right at me feet :)

The lake view from the other side.

Dog Lake is not the most scenic lake.  In fact, it's kind of dirty looking.  It's not part of the Utah water supply so it is it doesn't get much in the way of maintenance.  That is why they allow dogs to come the lake and swim in the lake....and do whatever else it is they do in the lake.  It's nice to have a lake as a destination for any hike but the Dog Lake hike, it is the trail itself that is the star of the show.  

We didn't stick around the lake for too long after finishing our lunch.  We had really taken our time getting to the lake.     
This is the start of the Mill D North Fork trail.

 Mill D North Fork also has some very nice things to offer.   The descent was beautiful all the way down.  

This was the last photo I took of the hike.  I couldn't help it.  My camera phone ran out of juice!  Rats!  I'll have to be more careful next time not to take so many photos.  Either that or get a second camera.  

Anyway, We managed finished our hike and then all met up at the 7-11 at the mouth of the Canyon.  
Brandi was kind enough to provide me with this photo she took from here own camera.  It was the end of a wonderful day of hiking up Big Cottonwood Canyon.

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