There was one more thing I did on my way out of Zion. I stopped at a Zion's canyon gift shop for some a cup of ice cream.
Before entering the store, I was greeted with the following announcement on the door.
I was planning to by some ice cream so I guess I wouldn't get in too much trouble if I snuck into their restroom. I worked in retail for 10 years so I kind of understand their annoyance.
For my ice cream, I decided to go with what seemed like an indigenous flavor that they call Moose tracks.
Moosetracks probably took some inspiration for Ben & Jerry's brand Ice creams. Any ice cream that's got weird chunks of something in it probably got the idea from those two crazy hippies. It was good ice cream but I was so curious about these chocolate covered peanut butter piece. What in the world were they? The only way I could know was to pull one out of my mouth and have a look at it. So I did. Yeah, kind of gross but who hasn't ever pulled something out of their mouth to examine it and then popped it back in. At least I didn't take a picture of it. What it turned out to be was just a miniature peanut butter cup.
The view from where I was sitting.
While I enjoyed my ice cream and worked on my crosswords, an elderly lady came in and asked where the rest room was. She also gave no indication that she planned on buying anything. I don't think she even noticed the sign. This was going to be interesting. Was the girl behind the counter going to follow store policy and tell the old lady to buy something or beat it?
No. She politely directed her to the back of the store to where their restrooms was and that was it. Good for her! She made the right call. That's another thing that I learned from my days in retail. It's nice dream about ideal customer behavior and to maybe even put a sign on the door asking them all to conform to it. But actually enforcing it is nearly impossible, at least not without having to having to kick a little old lady out the door for her noncompliance.
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