For my Zion's hike, I settled on the Grotto trail.
Yes, the sign does say it's only .5 miles. That may seem like a namby pamby of a hike and it most certainly is but after laying on the grass for 20 minutes, I felt too lazy to try anything too strenuous. And besides, this is a nice little road side hike that deserves a nod on my blog.
Another hiker coming the other way is seen straight ahead. |
The next three pics were taken facing the west side of the trail.
The big red mountain dead ahead is Angel's landing. I'm certain of it. |
The Grotto is dead ahead. |
Here it is. The Grotto!
The Grotto used to be the premier picnic spot in Zion's national park. That changed when they closed off the park to vehicle access. Some people still like to picnic here but it's not as easy to when all picnic supplies have to be transported in by shuttle. Nonetheless, there were a few people at the Grotto today having their lunch.
By the entrance to the Grotto stands several large Cottonwoods. |
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