My cat's latest perch.

trying to figure out what to do about my cat’s latest perch. Recently
she found that the top of my TV is a comfortable place for her to sit
and do nothing. She likes it because it’s a warm spot and I understand
that. It wouldn’t be so much of a problem except for the fact that
whenever she sits up there, she hangs either her tail or her paw over
the screen (often both at the same time) which is of course blocking my
view. Lately, I’ve been getting off my couch quite a bit to shoo her
off of the TV so I can get back to what I’m watching without
The TV set isn’t as bad as some other places
Beth likes to sit. She also likes sitting on the keyboard of my laptop
(another warm spot) which often ruins my work. I have learned that when
my laptop is left on and unattended, Beth is probably going to be found
taking a nap on it when I return. In that sense, I prefer getting off
the couch instead of having to rewrite everything I’ve been work on.
Even still……with remote control, men haven’t had to get off the couch
and walk towards their TV sets since cave men walked the Earth. And now
I’ve got to go back to that? This is not progress!
I’d like
to make one more observation about my cat’s behavior. Look at the way
she’s sitting across the TV. It’s the same way that a man sprawls out
across a couch, belly down with one arm hanging over the side while he’s
watching TV. The question is this – how in the world could an ordinary
house cat all the sudden start acting like a male human? She must have
picked it up from watching me. It’s the only explanation. It’s good
to know that at least one of us is evolving.
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