Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Drive Home from Las Vegas

At 1:00 a.m., I watched a classic episode of T.J. Hooker.  Romano and he were trying to find out who's selling the illegal guns.

In the morning, I took some photos of my room at El Cortez.  I didn't land a place in their big hotel.  Probably because I came in late.  Instead, they put me on top of the garage.  At least there was a Unique view from there.

Before leaving, I had lunch with Heather at the Village Pub and Poker.   

Right next door, is the friends of Haiti thrift store.  We went over there after breakfast to look around.  Heather got a little crazy and bought a few things but didn't over do it.

The strip mall we were at was parallel to the airport runways.   I got a shot of a few airplanes flying in.  They're not too conspicuous but are in the next three photos. 

Driving Heather home.

 And I'm on my way back to Utah.

I turned off at Craig road.  I wanted to go to the Pilot truck stop to get some sun glasses.  I should have just done a Uturn.  Instead, I decided to enter the truck stop legally and got stuck behind several semis also trying to turn in.

I was finally able to turn into the Truck Stop.

I've learned that truck stops are one of the best places on the planet to get a good pair of sunglasses.

My only complaint is the mirrors. They need to be wider and I wish I didn't have to stoop down so far to see myself. Tall guy discrimination!  
 And get my Sunglasses.

Still, I was able to find the perfect pair. 

Stopped at the Moapa truck stop to look around.

A man with a flat tire has pulled off the freeway to fix it.

That's quite a doozy. 

I asked him if he needed any help.  He thanked me but said he worked for a tire company so he could handle it.  

The store has moved out an entire cash register.  Probably making room for more firecrackers.

The tire has been fixed!  I wasn't in the store for too long and the guy already has it fixed.  He really did know what he's doing.

Stopped at the Casablanca in Mesquite and got some photos.

I had just passed Mesquite when I noticed that I was almost out of gas. This could potentially have been a serious problem considering that Saint George is 30 miles away. Luckily there is one small town 8 miles from Mesquite called Littlefield. I think Littlefield is the only Arizona town that is off I-15. And it's about as podunk as it gets. I have stopped here before and for the same reason. I was coming out of Mesquite and forgot to gas up. That was years ago and I was once again relieved for Littlefield. However, this stop was going to be very different from the last.

And here are the gas island. But where are the pumps?
They were here last time. Are they playing a joke on me? I went inside the store to ask the clerk about it and found that it was no joke. They haven't sold gas here for years. For the next closest gas station I would have to drive back 8 miles to Mesquite. Wonderful. 

                      Before heading back, I decided have a look around.   

Arizona Lottery tickets can be purchased here.

 And you can also get some good beer.
I walked over to what I think is the actual Beaver dam area and got some photos.

I also noticed this 1969 Lincoln Continental with a For Sale sign on it. It's funny, this car is as old as I am. 

It's certainly a classic car but I have no idea who they think they're going to sell it to around here.

Heading back to my car and I see what appears to be a biker gang. Looks like the Hell's Angel's have decided to stop off in Littlefield.

This has got to be the most impressive array of Harley Davidson's that I have ever seen. However, the biker gang is not what they appeared to be. I got my first hint of that when I heard their strange accents. They're not a biker gang or even a club. They're tourists from Switzerland! They somehow rented the Harleys and are touring the country on them. Actually, sounds like a lot of fun.

 Stopped at the Chevron in Filmore and got some selfies.  

My hair was kind of messed up for the first batch.

Got a selfie with Bear and me.  He's been a clerk at this Chevron for ages. 

 A statue of a real bear right outside the store.

 Hit some crazy rain as I was driving past Nephi. 

Besides that, I made it home just fine.

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