Thursday, August 29, 2013

A meeting with Shawn McCraney

 My cat right after offing a giant mosquito that had somehow gotten into my apartment.   Way to go, Beth!

Heading to lunch.

 East on I-80 that Shawn McCraney?

It is Shawn McCraney. Apparently, he likes Tony's Burgers, too. 
I visited with him a little bit. He was friendly and there was no contentious in our discussion.

Drove out to Lagoon but the sign indicates it was a wasted drive.  Some big corporation has researved the park for it's employees for the evening.

Heading back to Salt Lake.

 Stopped at Culver's for a Turtle Sundae...and had a little fun with it.
Nice stuff to see outside.

An Airplane overhead.

 Can't be seen too well but a strange guy is sitting on the curb ahead with his baby in a baby carrier asking people for money.  I gave him a few bucks.  

 Heading up to my place and a local cat that I know fairly well wanted some attention.

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