Saturday, August 24, 2013

Chance meeting with Stacey and Lagoon.

Ted Talks: Russell Foster: Why do we sleep?

Ken Burns: Prohibition

George Remus - Wealthy Cincinnati Bootlegger.

Distillery within a giant redwood tree.

Leaving for lunch.

Sizzler for Saturday lunch.

View from my seat.

The white house across the street seemed more intriguing than usual today. Here's how it looked through the slats.

  I notice Stacy dishing up over at the salad bar.
I've known Stacy since about 1996/1997 when we were both in the Eagle Gate singles ward. She was having lunch with some family members so, of course, I went over to say hi. It turned out to be another glorious Facebook moment.

A trip to Lagoon.

 Waiting in line for my ice cream cone.

 Getting ready to watch another performance of Shubert Alley.

A g

 Farmer Tan!

 Amelia's skin is so pale, it's sometimes hard to see in the light.

 Final number - All That Jazz.

 Bye Everyone!

A quick look around before heading to work.

It's August and they are already trying to get ready for Frighmares.

An unusually long line at the year round haunted house.

Turning out to leave.  The wind was blowing like crazy.

The Twilight Zone

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