Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Driving around in erratic weather.

 Heading to Lunch

Mo Bettah's for three days in a row.

 A nice drive down 800 South.  I was heading east and took photos looking north.

Got a few donuts at Banbury Cross.  Then head back up 800 South.  It looked completely different heading west. 

My stop at Liberty Park.


Beginning my walk

 It was not my intention to catch this dog in such a compromising position.  I just wanted a photo. 

I was still interesting in meeting the dog and it's owner but they turned left here and I was not inclined to follow.

A strange man leaves his drivers side door open while he takes a nap on the grass.  There was also a lady in the passenger side seat - probably his wife.    

I was getting close to the north side of the park when it started rain.
I turned point in getting soaking wet.

Some very speedy women can be seen jogging to the east.

 Another bird feeder operating from his van.

Crazy rain on the Lake.

The only small cloud clearing can be see in the distance.   Still, very nice to look at.

From my car.

Heading home for a quick nap.   10 blocks away at 21st south and the sky is practically clear now.

 The freeway turn off for work and traffic ahead is piling up.   Probably an accident ahead.  Luckily my exit is just around the turn.

 A number of cars taking my exist to avoid the traffic pile up.
 There's rarely much traffic at my off ramp but there was today.  While I was waiting, I got a photo of this unusual bush with purples flowers.  I never noticed it before.  It was thanks to the additional traffic that gave me the opportunity to see it.

 The Twilight Zone

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