Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Lunch in Beaver and a visit to the Cache Valley Cheese Store

 Heading back to Northern Utah.

 Really enjoyed following this big puffy white cloud.  I got three good photos of it.

Stopped in Beaver for lunch.  I had trouble decided.  I finally settled for the new Mexican restaurant that can't even keep a sign up straight.

I learned that this is a Roberto's restaurant.  They're another one at the other end of town at the Flying J truck stop. 

El Senor is bringing my my Chimichanga plate.

Not a bad looking plate of Mexican food.

Sat and watched Judge Christina Perez on the small TV screen they have on the ceiling.

The lady is suing the Asian doctor for religious discrimination.  She says he fired her because she's Christian.  She lost the suit.

Looked around after eating.

These horses were in a pasture behind the restaurant.

Driving through town.

Now I need to find the Cache valley cheese company

Back on the road

Pulled off the road in Santaquin at this gas station to capture the sunset. 

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