Monday, August 19, 2013

A visit to Desert Shores Lake Community

On my way out to Desert Shores.

Stopped at Target to get directions.

Parking lot shot at Target

 Made it to the lake!  Another spin down to Las Vegas this week and visited the lake community Desert Shores.  This place didn't exist when I lived there.  They started building it shortly after I left.  What they did is construct a series of lakes and canals and then built a whole housing community around them.  It's quite a concept.  And luckily, you don't have to live there to go and enjoy the lakes.

This was the first thing that happened when I got out of my car.  I got greeted by all the ducks.  They obviously thought I was there to give them food.  Wish I had had some.  Unfortunately, it's against the rules to feed the ducks and there is have a kind of truant officer who frequently stops by to shoo away the duck feeders. 

 A duck with a Mohawk. 
 I'm a little rusty on my ornithology but I think they call this breed the punk rock duck.

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