Saturday, March 30, 2013

Lunch at Mo Bettah's

Mo Bettah's is my favorite Hawaiian restaurant.  There are three of them in Utah and they are all locally owned.  Today, I had their steak and chicken plate which is what I usually get.  It was unusually busy at 3:00 p.m.  There were a few police officers having lunch as well as a couple guys in know from work.

 I couldn't get a good cloud shot with the store but I did get one I liked by turning about 30 degrees South East.  The cloud hovering Twin Peaks sort of looks like a big Millennium Falcon.

I stopped over at City Creek Mall for a quick walk before work.  There was a nice looking woman playing piano and singing songs.  I wish I could have stayed and listened to more but I almost running late for work by the time I ran discovered her performance.
Heading south to work on 1-15.  I think there were some other nice photo opportunities today but I just didn't have the location.


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