Friday, March 29, 2013

The first day back from my trip.

My first day back from Las Vegas, I opted for a Cobb Salad.  I probably put on 7 pounds during my Vegas run so it was time to go healthy for a few weeks.     They clouds were healthy and fluffy.  It was a another good day in Utah for cloud hunting.  The following cloud shots were taken in the on my way to the Village Inn.

 After feasting on my Cobb salad, I stopped in the Village Inn Parking lot and got some more photos.

I had to go back home to get some things before work.   The sky was caked with thick clouds.

 The best shots of the day were taken in the Walmart parking lot.  It looked as if a portal of heaven was opening up in the Western sky.  I couldn't decide which one a liked the most so I'm publishing all of them.

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