Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Second leg of my Las Vegas trip.

The second leg of the trip wasn't to get to Las Vegas so much as it get to Mesquite.  My plan was to have dinner at the Virgin River Casino buffet.  I didn't eat much for breakfast.  I didn't eat much for lunch either.  I was saving my stomach for a really good buffet.

By Sunday, the sky had cleared up.  Though not as many cloud to capture, I still enjoy the drive on Highway 89.  It's nice to drive through these small Utah towns.  The one photo I got was of an oblong mesa type mountain with a small cloud hovering over it.
The next leg was I-70 to I-15.  There isn't much at all to see on I-70 except this small black peak that the freeway had to be built around.  I had a small moment of awe when I saw it which seemed enough to pull out the camera and take the photo.

I merged with I-15 and headed south.  After 20 miles, I came to Beaver and took a break at my favorite truck stop.  It looks like I'm not the only one who likes the truck stop.  I've never seen so many cars there.   A bunch of drivers had to invent parking spaces by the pumps.  The place was packed.
I got a snack and was again back on my journey.  By the time I got to Cedar City, I realized that I was way ahead of schedule.  I still had three hours to kill before dinner.  What to do?  It was simple really.  I needed to make a detour over to Zion's National Park.

This decision turned out to be more of a wrong turn than a good idea.  I should have been thinking that Zion's would be busy on the weekend but I didn't think there would be no easy way to get into the park.   There was a procession of cars waiting to get in and non of them could stay.  They all had to pass right through to the other side.
The entrance to the park is right around the corner of the road ahead.  The cars parked on the side of the road shuttled in.  I was faced with the prospect of shuttling or turning around and heading on to Mesquite.  I decided to go.  It was a nice little excursion, at least.  I did stop at the Zion's adventure store and got some good info about future hikes that I will probably want to do in the park.

And thus I was on my way again.  I stopped in Springdale on my way out to get a photo of the  small town everyone passes through to get to and from Zion's.  It's  a nicer shot in the summer but adequate in the spring.  The side of my red car is slightly in the photo.
After taking the photo, I heard loud barking to my right.  I turned around and whoaaa!!!!
I'm pretty good with dogs but I couldn't quite place these.  Whatever kind they were, they weren't too friendly.

I had to make one more stop on the way back to I-15.  This place was irresistible.
The Fort Zion gift shop.  It really does look like a fort.  I went in and had a look around.  Excellent gift shop.

The little town on the side wasn't free to enter but it was only a dollar.  I still go in.  I was satisfied to just take a photo.  Kids would get a real kick out of it, though.

Fort Zion's was a fun little excursion but I was get hungery and Mesquite was still a  hours away.

The Virgin River gorge is an incredible site but you also have to be careful driving through it.  There's a reason why the speed limit is only 55 miles an hour.  There have been some very bad traffic accidents on the road.  Some of the freeway looks like the curved roads of a Nascar speedway.  Mesquite is just on the other side of the gorge.

I mad it through just fine.  And then it was on to Mesquite and the Virgin River Casino.  I arrived at around 4:30 p.m.
They had all the goods in the buffet - pot roast and prime rib.  I feasted to my hearts content.
I lounged around for a few hours and complete my last crossword puzzles.  This was one of the more enjoyable dinner I have had in Mesquite.

Before leaving I got a photo of the Virgin River Casino neon sign.  Twilight was in progress and I plane was jetting across the sky.  It was a near perfect photo.
The only problem was the pedestrian walking toward me on the left.   I didn't know what else to do?  I couldn't wait.  The plane was right where I want it and I had to take the photo.  I guess life isn't perfect.

It was on to Las Vegas.  I got in at around 9:00 p.m.

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