Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Boulger Reservoir in Fairview Canyon

When I saw this sign on the side of the road, I knew I had to slow down and take a closer look at it.

This is the turn off for Boulger Reservoir.  It wasn't on the map at the parking lot but it was obviously open for business.  It looks like my adventure was not all done after all.

A dirt road, yes, but not a wet one, thank goodness.

This is the sign in the parking lot.  It looks like I'll have to be careful not to hunt, haul out my trash and keep a really good look out for Black Bears

I had headed a little ways down the dirt road but then turned around and parked.  the trail to the right is already pretty close to the reservoir and I saw not need to risk going further when there is now snow on the road.  That turned out to be a wise move.  Just around the corner, the road turns completely to snow and doesn't seem to go anywhere.  I'd be stuck and I'd have had to very carefully back out.

Now to have a look at the reservoir

This is exactly what I was looking for.  Boulger Reservoir is a fishing lake but it has plenty of natural beauty to offer as well.  Now that I'm here, it's time to look around a bit.

A fallen and decaying pine tree that has long since passed away it's previous days of glory.  

I took many photos of this cloud to make sure I had the angle I wanted.

This is a photo of a squirrel I took at the lake.  Yes, it is there but you'll have to enlarge the photo to see it.  It is being camouflaged very well by the dirt.  It's in the center right of the photo under the two green bushes.

I finished off my visit to Boulger Reservoir with a short video I made of the landscape and some strange insects that I couldn't identify or see.  I'd definitely come back to Boulger Reservoir but if I do, it'll be with a fishing poll.

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