Sunday, May 12, 2013

Japoneses Cacahuates (Japanese Peanuts)

For my Sunday adventure, I tried a snack that I picked up yesterday at Anaya's market .  It was a bag of Japanese peanuts.

What a pleasant surprise!  I had no idea what to expect.  After eating a few of them, I found myself having a few more and then a few more after that and before I knew it, I had finished off the whole bag.  I have now added Japanese peanuts to my list of favorite snack foods after only one helping.

What they are is a peanut with a coating made of wheat and rice flour, a little soy sauce and a touch of sugar.  The experience of crunching on a Japanese peanut is unique.   It lies somewhere between the crunch of a Whopper and an M&M.  They're lighter than M&Ms and about 1/3 of their sweetness.  I didn't feel a sugar overload after eating the whole bag like I would if they were peanut M&Ms. That was a big plus and also a big relief.  It also felt similarity to crunching on Whoppers but lacking the chalkiness which is a serious shortcoming of Whoppers (though I do like Whoppers).    There were so many good things to say about this snack and I couldn't think of anything bad.

I was really surprised that there is nothing on Wikipedia about Japanese least not in the English version. speaks very highly of this snack food.  

These Japanese style peanuts are so tasty they are addicting. A large peanut coated with a crunchy shell flavored with a hint of soy sauce. One taste and you will understand just how addicting these are! Ironically, Japanese Peanuts are what many tourists discover and relish during their visit to Mexico.   

Many tourist come back from Mexico wanting more but can't find any.  It's probably just a matter of location.  With all the Latin markets in Salt Lake City, I don't think I will have much trouble finding my next bag Japanese peanuts.  I'm giving Japanese peanuts an A.  

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