Wednesday, May 29, 2013


The good rainstorm yesterday promised some nice looking skies today.   And the skies delivered nicely.  

Redwood and 6200 South

I-215 and 4500 South

I-215 and 3500 South

My adventure today was a stop at Schmidt's bakery for a new something.  

I opted to try one of their Napoleon's.

  Here is the over sized box they gave me.  You probably can't tell how overs sized it is until you see the next photo.

I don't know why Schmidt's puts a little tiny pastry in such an over sized box.  It might be the price.  I paid 3.50$ for the Napoleon so that means I should get it in a large and fancy that even matters!  It doesn't taste any different so why waste the cardboard?

Anyway, I like Napoleon's but this one was somewhat disappointing.  Schmidt's has good pastry's and I'm sure I'll be back for their cherry danishes but I won't be getting one of these again.    It was an overpriced disappointment.

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