Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A wreck on Redwood and some plain white cake.

My first decent photo of the day was taken in the early morning hours on my way home from work.

The Wasatch front about 6:30 a.m.

For lunch, I headed down Redwood for a Cobb Salad at Village Inn and ran into a traffic jam at about 4800 South.  It looked like an traffic accident and it was.   The black car plowed into the back of another car.

The whole intersection was closed off to through traffic.  To get through, we had to turn down 4800 South and into the Conoco gas station parking lot.

I'm pulling out of the Conoco parking lot and having another look at the accident.  I hope the owner of the Conoco wasn't too irritated but there was no other way around.

After lunch, I headed North for a quick stop at Walmart.  I captured a nice flag shot while turning onto the on ramp.

A cloud shot from the roof of Walmart

A man claiming to be a homeless vet is spotted on the curb as I'm getting off the freeway.

For desert, I opted for a very simple White Cake Square from the Walmart bakery.  

There's a nice looking strawberry iced on top.  I'd give it a B+ if I had only payed 2 dollars for it.  As it is, Walmart charged me 2.50.  for that, I'll have to dock it down to a B-.  Still, not bad slice of cake.

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