Friday, May 24, 2013

The Harding Family and Kale Krunch.

This morning I watched to Fox and Friends news Segment on the Harding Family.  These kids are just amazing. 

Kip and Mona Lisa Harding have ten children, 6 of whom they’ve sent to college by the age of 12!
They decided to home school their kids because, as Mona Lisa describes, they “wanted to be totally in control and make sure they had the right upbringing, and they accelerated because of it.” (

I don't think I would have done too well in that family.  As a matter of fact, I probably would have been the goat.  I'm too much of a space cadet  to have ever kept up with mom and dad's crazy study schedule.  Still, I'm very impressed with all of them.

My adventure today was another snack from Whole Market foods called Kale Krunch.  I picked up a bag while I was in yesterday.

This was far more risky that the Beninstich.  I was certain I would like that.  With this one, I didn't know what to think.  I doesn't even look good.  But the manufacturers assured that their product was top quality.  

It was also on sale and I've never had Kale before. 
Here's a piece I pulled out of the bag.  The company wasn't even trying to make it look like your not eating leaves. 

It felt like I was eating leaves, too.  I could have raked up some leaves,picked up a small handful, put'em in my mouth and it would have felt no different that stuffing my mouth with Kale Krunch.  I believe that this experience showed me what it would be like to be a Koala bear eating leaves in a eucalyptus tree. 

And yet, I actually enjoyed Kale Krunch!  I had not trouble finishing off the whole bag.  This company has really accomplished something in creating a delicious snack out something that should have no business tasting good.

The problem is the price.  The regular price is 5.99 - way to pricy.  The sale price was 3.99 -  still to pricy.  If you really want a good snack that tastes just about as good as this one, then just buy a bag of potato chips.  But if you'd really like to feel like you're one with the Koala's, I'd suggest picking up a bag of Kale Krunch. 

The streaking cloud across Grandeur Peak almost looked like a jet stream.  But I'm sure it wasn't.  It was just unique.   

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