Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Bundaberg brews

Very strange cloud formation this morning.  The clouds looked like an army, marching single file on their way to battle.

After lunch, I stopped by the supermarket and picked up a Bundeberg Guava fruit drink.

It looked tasty enough and I though it would be a good way to finish off lunch.  But I only took one sip. Something was wrong.  The bottle says it's non-alcholic but I could almost swear that I tasted alcohol.  I thought I'd take a look at the ingredients.

The ingredients do not indicate alcohol but I don't believe them!  What it does indicate is sugar and yeast as part of the "Guava brew".  When yeast comes in contact with sugar, it's natural reaction is to digest the sugar, turning it into alcohol and carbon dioxide.  They can't defy the laws of nature.  It's just how it works.  The result of mixing sugar and yeast will always be alcohol.

Okay, so here's what I learned.  The alcohol can be remove after it's been brewed by a heating process.  Heating the brew causes the alcohol to evaporate and leaves you with a non-alcoholic brew...almost.  

It's not possible to completely remove the alcohol.  You can remove most of it but a small amount will remain.   It's not enough to provide much of a buzz but it is there.   

So I guess I had alcohol this afternoon.  It's against my religious standards to drink alcohol but I think I can squeak by on this one.  I didn't know about the alcohol.  Ignorance is such bliss.  

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