Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Breakfast at the Home Plate Cafe

Before heading back to Salt Lake, I wanted to take my mom out for some breakfast.  I had noticed the Home Plate Cafe on my trip to Fairview yesterday and asked mom what she thought of it.  She told me that has eaten there before and it was a decent place to eat.  That was good enough for me.  We were off to Home Plate Cafe for breakfast.  

The truth is that it was a little late in the morning - probably at 11:00 a.m.  I wasn't sure if we would even make  it for breakfast.  But we did.  I was very relieved when I looked on their menu and saw that Home Plate served breakfast all day long.    

My mom got their Canadian bacon and eggs.

  The ketchup didn't come with it.  My mom started squirting it on as soon as they set her plate down.  Mom just doesn't understand what it is too be blogger yet.  So I explained to her that I need to take a photo of her food first before she starts piling on the goop.

I was a little undecided on whether I wanted something sweet like pancakes or if I wanted something closer to what my mom got.  After some thought, I decided mom had the right idea so I went with their House omelet.      

I snapped a few good photos and after my mom was done with the ketchup, I grabbed the bottle and it was my turn to pile on the goop.  

The only minor trouble we had was locating the jam for our toast.  I think we had both already finished a slice before we found it.  The jam packets are actually right there on the table, over by the salt and pepper, Tabasco sauce and whatnot.  For some reason, the strawberry and grape stuff wasn't jumping out at us.  Maybe, we were just enjoying our food too much.  

This place is like a little hometown Denny's or IHOP in the heart of Utah.  The food was great.  The lady serving us was great.....Overall, I'd say we had a pretty great experience at the Home Plate Diner.


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