Monday, June 10, 2013

Lunch at Wheeler's Drive-In

Wheeler's Drive-In is Mount Pleasant's premiere hamburger establishment.   For lunch, this afternoon, I stopped in to check it out. 

This was the view from where I was sitting. 

I went for the most expensive Burger on the menu, their Double Bacon Cheese burger and substituted onion rings for fries. 

Though the atmosphere is fast food, Wheeler's serves their orders on glass plates.  This adds a touch of "diner" to the atmosphere

Notice how they stuck my fry sauce cup snugly into the holes of one of my onion rings.  Kind of cute, huh?  It would have been even cuter if they had given me a few more of those cups.  In my world, fry sauce is just as important for onion rings as it is for fries. They didn't provide a whole lot of it.  I was tempted to ask them for more, though I'm sure I would have had to pay extra.  Instead, I decided to ration my fry sauce.  Despite the rationing, the onion rings were still pretty good.

And now for my review of the Burger.   Their bacon double cheese was a superior hometown burger - a thorough delight from start to finish.  No complaints here.

After my burger, I had a look at their desert menu. I decided to try one of their hot fudge sundae's.

The Sundae was another treat!  Wheeler's scores more high marks for their hot fudge sundae.   

Overall, I'd rank Wheeler's as a very good place to eat.  They're a little stingy on their fry sauce but their burgers are terrific and the sundae capped off a pretty nice lunch experience for me at Wheeler's Drive-In.    

Wheeler's Drive-In on Urbanspoon

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