Saturday, August 31, 2013

Last Viewing of Shubert Alley

Tucker Carlson falls asleep this morning on Fox and Friends.

Heading to lunch. The Wasatch front was caked with puffy white clouds.

Best Buy parking lot.

I'm here to get a blue tooth headset.  The gal in blue is the one who helped me.  I had to wait a long time before she was done helping this guy.

The Blacktop 500 is the one I bought.

 Noticed a guy pulling up in a cool Ford.  I had to go ask him about it.

He turned out to be a Best Buy employee.  He told me that his car was a 1966 Ford Mustang.
Had lunch at Gandolfo's. 
Lagoon was happily opened to the public today.  I watched my last performance of Shubert Alley.

 Bye Bye, Amelia!

The man in the blue shirt is senator Bob Bennett. 

I'm sure of it.

I've never seen such a long line for the skyride!  I decided to wait anyways.

 A couple of teen girls in front of me, the one of the left with some pretty psychedelic hair!

They would remain in front of me until the end of the ride.

Almost there.

Just starting my ride.

The ride stalled just after take off.  It gave me a chance for some unusual photos.
 A slightly higher view of the line.

Moving again.  Got a nice shot of the Wild Mouse.

An endless supply of girls hair bands and one thing on the roof.

The Roller Coaster!

 The park entrance.

My ride is coming to an end.


Caught the Rock band having a gab session behind the stage.

A little water angle is getting enjoying the fountain.

A park official thinks she's having too much fun and asks her to move out of the water. 

Finally met Jennifer.  She and her mom both have seasons passes like I do.  She let me borrow her tiara for the photo.

Second and last viewing of the Rock Show.

It's been a good season.

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