Sunday, April 28, 2013

A drive up Highway 18

Sunday night fell threw on all accounts.  I was planning to play cards with Melanie and a group of people she had over.  That probably would have happened but I decided to take an after-dinner nap to rejuvenate before cards.  Bad idea.   By the time I woke up, all of Melanie's card players had gone home.  Rats!

Plan B was to drive up to Enterprise to see my sister.  I got on High 18 and called my sister to announce my coming.  She answered but informed me that she was currently in Salt Lake and wasn't coming back until Monday.  Luck was just not on my side for a Sunday night.  After that fell through, the only thing left to do was take some pictures.  I was already on Highway 18 so I figured I'd just stay on and see what I could find.  


Not too bad but still looking for something spectacular.  So I pulled my car over when I saw something to the west that looked interesting.  I then got out of my car and began firing away.    

Probably the best photos of my trip.

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