Saturday, April 20, 2013

Lunch at the Sugarhouse Soup Kitchen

For lunch, I went to one of Salt Lakes oldest soup and sandwich establishments.  It's called the Soup Kitchen, located on Sugar House on 1100 East and 2100 South.   I have eaten here once before.  I got lost while I was looking for a different eatery.  It was while I was looking for the other place that I happened upon the Soup Kitchen.  It was a happy mistake. 

Hmm...what to get, what to get.   For some reason, the California jumped out at me so I ordered that and a cup of their clam chowder.    After paying, I filled up my Diet coke and grabbed a bread stick.

The bread sticks come complimentary when you order their soup.  You can eat as many as you want with your soup.  I only took one.  The sticks are quite big and one is enough.

This was my angle of the restaurant from where I at lunch.

Here's what my California looked like.

If I had thought about it while I was looking at it on the chalk board, I would have realized that I was ordering a Cordon Bleu sandwich - Chicken breast, sliced ham and Swiss cheese?.....yep, that's a Cordon Bleu.   But at the Soup Kitchen, they call in a California.  I have no complaints.  They can call it whatever they'd like.  It was a pretty tasty sandwich.

After eating, I had a look around.  There was some excellent nostalgia in this place.    I was surprised to learn how long the Soup Kitchen has been open.  The employee I talked to had worked there for nine years.  According to her, this Soup Kitchen has been in operation since 1975.    At first, I wondered if they had imported some their nostalgia like other places do when they want to look retro.  But considering how long this place has been around, they probably didn't need to import anything.

An retro Royal Crown cola vending machine with a 7-UP "something" on top of it.

I couldn't quite tell if it was an ice box or a vending machine.  It look look you could sorta kinda put some coins in that thingamajig on the left side and get yourself a nice 12 oz bottle of 1970's soda pop.  Or maybe you would just life the top up and get one out that way.    I can remember seeing machines like that back in the 70's but I don't remember if I ever used one.  Even still, I loved it!  

This water fountain must be authentic.  It's definitely vintage an they still put it to good use after all these years in serving up free water cups.

When your done, you put your dishes on this table and the kitchen picks them up.    

While your doing that you can have a look at their old japanese Pachinko machine.  I assumed that it was another adornment....and it is.   But there was a time when it was fully functioning and customer (usually kids) could have a go at it during their visit.  I had a little trouble with the glare while taking the photo.  As a result, you can kind of see my reflection bouncing off the front of the Pachinko machine.

I dug out of my photo archives a picture I took of my food from my first visit.  I think it was their club sandwich.  Another tasty sandwich.

The Soup Kitchen is an great place to have lunch.  It's not going to satisfy a really big appetite but the quality is there, the atmosphere is right and the nostalgia is perfect for a nice little afternoon nosh. 

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