Sunday, April 28, 2013

Another showdown with the goose

This morning, I was surprised that I didn't see the killer goose.  I wondered if maybe had just flown away or something....only he can't fly so that wasn't possible.  After and quick  reconnaissance  patrol, I found the goose.  He had jumped across a ditch and couldn't get back over it.   

I stood on the other side of the ditch and stared down the goose.   He stared right back at me.   

It was almost like a show down at high noon.  The only question was who would draw first.   After several moments of intensity, the goose turned and walked to his right to examine another possible route back over the ditch.

I could tell that he wanted a piece of me but he would get nothing this morning.  He was stuck and I had command of the entire field.   

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