Sunday, April 14, 2013

Tres Leches and a return to Ayala's.

I facebooked my story about my experience at Ayala's market. I don't know if it went real well.  I think my format confused everyone.  I could have just posted a link to my blog but I'd I'd like to spend a little more time developing before I start promoting too much.

A facebook friend, Miguel, is a frequenter of Ayala's market.  He suggested I go back to Anaya's and try a slice of their Tres leches cake. So I did.  Now this is what I'm talking about!

I didn't notice it the last time because it wasn't so conspicuous and the slices are served right off the cake. It was a delightful treat and I enjoyed every bite of it. I'll definitely be a returning customer to Anaya's.

Yesterday I went on a ranted about my first experience at Anaya's with the borrachos but I guess that's what happens when a gringo walks into a place like that and doesn't know what to look for or what he's doing.

I also noticed that there were only three borrachos left so apparently they had sold quite well yesterday.

I still don't get it.

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