Friday, April 12, 2013

An Adventure in a Latin Market.

It's strange how you can find adventure in some of the most unusual places.  I found some just by walking into this unassuming Latin market.

A gringo like me would typically never be seen in a place like Anaya's market.  But I say, Why not?  Sure, I don't speak the language but I don't see why that should matter.  Latin market's are open for business and they'll take cash from anyone whose there to buy something.  So I walked in too see what adventure I could find.

This is what really caught my attention.  It caught me because I couldn't tell what it is.  It looks like it could be a pastry.  It also looks like it could be the severed limbs of a strange, semi-aquatic creature from the amazon jungle.   That may sound like a strange thought but I do have some life experience with such things.    While I was in South Africa, I saw things very similar to this at Indian markets and other things that were even more unsettling.  If you've ever walked through a South African Indian market, then you've seen everything.  And seeing this brought all those memories back.

I asked the lady behind the counter if she could explain what this is.  She didn't speak much English but she understood my question.  She told me, they're called "borrachos" and they are a kind of pastry.  So the red stuff isn't blood.  It's just a kind of fruit filling.

The borrachos were only 85 I bought one. What the heck! There were no bones in it so it couldn't be that bad.   A few bites proved them to be edible enough but they are certainly the most unattractive pastry that I've ever eaten.  Then I ran into this guy.

The man I am standing with is Cisco.  I know Cisco from work.  It was just a crazy coincidence that I ran into him at Anaya's.  I asked Cisco if he'd be up for a photo to which he agreed.  All we needed was a photographer.

I kindly asked a customer walking by if he'd take the photo.  But, darn,  if I keep forgetting that I am in a Latin market and English isn't spoken here!  The guy didn't understand a word I was saying.  Judging from the look on his face, you'd think I had just asked him to hand over his wallet.  But Cisco saved the day.  He asked the man in Spanish and he was glad to take the photo.

I also asked Cisco what he thought of the borrachos.   He has tried them before and he gave them a thumbs up.

And that was my nice little adventure at Anaya's market.

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