Monday, April 29, 2013

Last leg of Zion's park

I made it back to Zion's lodge for lunch at around 3:00 p.m.  There was practically no line which is what I was hoping for.

When you eat at the Zion's lodge, prepare to be gouged.   I got a slice of pizza, a Nathan's hotdog and a large drink which all cost about 11 dollars.  The pizza is Freschettas.  Freschetta is one of those above average frozen pizzas which costs about 6 dollars for a whole one at the supermarket.  At Zion's lodge a single slice costs four dollars.  The hot dog also cost around 4 dollars and the soft drink was 2.75.    The pizza wasn't worth 4 bucks.  A dollar would have been a more reasonable price.   I really enjoyed the hot dog.  Nathan's are top quality dogs but it was also over priced.

They sell sandwiches at Zion's lodge that are much healthier than what I ate but once again, prepare for an inflated price.  Still, getting gouged at a tourist place like this is to be expected and I have had far worse.

While I sat eating, two couples came up and asked if they could join me.  The other tables were all taken and the table I was sitting solo at had six seats.  That means that I was kind of being a table hog.  I told them there were more than welcome to sit an my table.

The two couples were middle aged - probably in their 50's  They hailed from Oregon and were on a two week vacation.  During their two weeks they were planning to visit all five national parks in Utah plus the Grand Canyon in Arizona and then make their last stop in Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado.  They had just finished hiking Angels landing and were taking a much needed rest at the lodge.  They enjoyed the hike but admitted that it wasn't easy.   I enjoyed Angels landing too, but only the view of it from The Grotto trail.  Next, they were planning to do the Emerald pools, a much easier hike than Angels landing but definitely more strenuous than my little stroll to the Grotto.  There are three pools on this hike all together, the highest being the most impressive pool.

Before leaving I needed to lounge around on the lawn like a bum for a few more minutes.  I also took a video this time of the surroundings from my back.

A young guy obviously intrigued by the size of the giant Cottonwood

I arrived back a the museum at around 4:00 p.m.  

While at the museum, I decided to watch the 20 minute movie that gives a history of Zion's Park.

After the movie, I ran into the tourists who I ate lunch with.  They were on their way in the theater to see the next showing.  They told me they had only made it to the first emerald pool and then gave up, turned around and went back to the lodge  I can understand that.  After hiking Angel's landing, they were probably running pretty low on energy.

Before leaving, I had a look around the outside of the museum.  I found that there is great beauty to be seen in this part of the park that I've never experienced before.

 There's a hike that can be accessed from the museum called the Pa 'rus trail.  I was curious about it so   I went on a small scouting expedition to have a look at the trail.   

The next two photos were taken on the way back.  They're both from the same angle with one small difference. 

The second photo provides a perspective on the trail that the first one doesn't, thanks to the hikers that were coming my way.  They're showing exactly where the trail is.   But the first one is nicer because it shows the purity of nature with no human distractions in it.  I wasn't sure which photo to post but after putting some thought into it, it was obvious that they both needed to go up.


I didn't walk too far but I liked what I did see and will probably be have to come back soon to do this hike.  It's only three and a half miles and there is hardly any elevation gain so it should be a pretty easy stroll.  I found some sources that cited Pa 'rus as the easiest hike in the park.  Whoever's saying that have obviously never done the Grotto trail. 

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