Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Eldredge Knot

Sunday morning, I noticed my friends son was decked out in the most usual looking necktie knot.  It was kind of hard not to notice it.  I'd never seen any thing like it.

It's called an Eldredge knot.  This knot makes full use of the small end of the tie by wrapping it around and around and around until there isn't much left of it.  I found a couple of clips on Youtube with guys explaining how to tie the knot but nothing explaining where it came from or who and why they thought it up.  It's kind of snazzy looking I'd say.  Could this spell the of the half Windsor?

Probably not any time soon.  Old guys like me don't give up long held tradition very easily.  But this could be an insightful look into the future of neckties. The following Youtube clip has nearly 2 million views as of this posting - an indication that the Eldredge knot could really be picking up in popularity.


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