Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Lunch in Tooele

 After a few days of hardly anything to see in Salt Lake, I decided to go somewhere else.  If the clouds won't come to me, I'll go to them.  My destination today was Tooele.  My plan wsa to find a good local place to have lunch and drive around to and see what was there.

I began heading west on 2100 South.  Tooele is 30 miles from Salt Lake so I needed some nice scenery.  It turned out to be a pretty good day for clouds on the freeway. 

                     I stopped at this LDS chapel and had a look at the view from the parking lot. 

                                           My first destination was the Dairy Delight.

It seemed like the perfect small town traditional burger joint.  But I didn't eat there.  First of all, they charge for extra fry sauce and secondly, I stood at the counter for several minutes waiting for service and it seemed like I was invisible.  So I left.  I still might come back another time but this round I'm passing.  I ended up eating at American Burgers.

                                            The dining area was small but comfortable.

At first, I thought this might be a national franchise that I haven't heard of isn't.  American Burgers is in the vein of Crown burger and Apollo Burger - two Utah home grown franchises.  I have two reason for this opinion.  First of all, I had the feature Burger.  It was a double bacon cheeseburger with pastrami.  It looked like a Crown burger, made like a Crown burger and it tasted just like a Crown Burger.  And secondly, they had a large selection of Greek food on their menu which is also something you typically see at a Crown burger-like establishment.  It was good and all.  I ate so fast, I forgot to take a photo of it.   Just not very original for a Salt Lake person.

I did take a photo of my hot fudge shake.

Places like this always brag about their shakes.  It was pretty good.  I liked the amusing little fudge swirl they put on top.

It was then time to go cloud hunting.  These are the ones I wanted.  I got this photo right across the street from American Burger.  I wanted to find a more open shot.  So I began driving west.

So here's where I ended up - a dead end.  Still, it could possible be a good spot for photo except for one thing.

I ended up right next the old Tooele City Water reclamation plant - in other words, it's an old sewage facility.  It has been abandoned for quite some time.  I wasn't able to find much info about it other than the fact that it's an eye sore.  I went ahead and took my photo anyway.

Not a bad photo if you ignore the old sewage pool on the left.

On the way back to main street, I stopped and got this much more satisfying shot from a vacant pasture area.  It made it so my sewer plant excursion was not in vain.

I  was now ready to see what kind of donuts the local Tooele residents feast upon.  It wasn't far from where I was.  Nigh Time Donuts & Bagels

I couldn't tell you how good the donuts were because the establishment had closed at 3:00 p.m.  I had spent too much time wandering around old sewer plants and now it was 4:00.  Rats!  Maybe, I'll give them a try them on another visit.o

I still needed a good place to see what the clouds looked like in Tooele.  I drove to the South end of town and picked a random street to head back on.  The street was Coleman and it was exactly what I was looking for.

The cloud cover was perfect.  And there were plenty of openings between the houses to see the clouds in the back ground.


I followed Coleman as far as I could.  I was enjoying the street so much I would have followed it all the way to the lake.

I could see a T in the road ahead and it looked like Coleman was unfortunately coming to an end.  I turned around and took a photo of my southern journey which was also a treat.

I also got a photo of the housing community to the west.  This is the kind of view I'm talking about.

When I got to the end of Coleman, it was quite amusing what I saw to the left.

It was the old Tooele Water reclaimation plant again.  I had come full circle.

I was happy with my photos and was ready to head back.  I did see some nice things on the way back.  But I've got so much stuff on this one, that'll have to be another post.

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