Monday, April 29, 2013

Zions' trip - first leg and some relaxation at Zion's lodge.

It was a enjoyable drive through Springdale on the way to Zions.  Since the last time I drove through at the end of March, spring had come to Springdale and the trees were considerably greener.

Getting into the park was much easier this time.  I figured Monday would be a good day for park access.

I've always liked parking at the mouth of the canyon and then take the shuttle in from there.  But I couldn't do that on this trip.  For the first time, all those parking spots were taken.  I had no choice but to back track to a different shuttle stop.

 I ended up parking at the Zions museum.  I don't think I've ever been to the museum before.  I like museums but when there is so much to see at Zion's, it's hard to justify going to hte museum.  But today, fate directed me there.  There were plenty of parking spaces and a place to shuttle into the park.

I got off the shuttle at Zion's lodge.   A herd of people got off with me, everyone heading over to the food court.  It was 1:00 p.m. and I was a little hungry myself.    I though I'd follow them over to have a look at the food situation. 

Wow!  There was a lot of hungry people in park today.  It didn't seem worth it wait.  I should probably go do something and come back later when the line is shorter.  

But before I embarking on a Zion's adventure,  I needed to do something first.

 I needed to lie down in the grass under the giant cottonwood in front of Zion's lodge.

This grass has been a favorite resting spot to weary Zions hikers for decades.  It's one of the few places where a large group of people can lay around on the grass and not be mistaken for a bunch of homeless people.   I laid down on my back under the tree and took some photos of the surroundings.  

I laid there for about 20 minutes.  It was so relaxing, it was hard to get up of the ground.  But I did have more of the park to see.    My next task was to go on an official Zion's hike.

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