Saturday, April 13, 2013

Which Wich, Cold Stone and some new BBQ.

For lunch today, I paid another visit to Which  Wich.  I don't commonly eat at the same place any more than once a week but I was so impressed with this place, I was hungry for some more of it.  And technically is not the exact same place.  The one I ate at on Wednesday was in American Fork. This one is a brand new one in Midvale that has only been open for a couple of weeks.

This place was busy! Not bad considering how new it is.  At the other one, there was hardly a soul.  Of course, It wasn't exactly at peak time.  I got to the one in Midvale at 1:00 p.m. and lounged for a couple of hours while I ate and worked on crosswords.

Four ladies filling out their sandwich bag requirements.

The whole strip mall is actually quite new.  I think it's only been opened for business since late last year.  So I decided that as long as I was there, I might as well explore the whole thing.  After lunch, I went next door to Cold Stone Creamery for an Ice Cream.

I struggled for a few moments while looking over  their ice cream selection.  When I finally got around to ordering, I threw all caution to the wind.

My ice cream was half Banana Bread Batter and half Hot Fudge Sundae.  Additionally, I had them throw in walnuts and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.  It was a masterpiece.

I then went next door to have a look at the new Sonny's Real Pit Bar-B-Q.

I only asked for a menu and had a look around.  I can eat a lot but not that much.  This is the second Sonny's BBQ that has opened in Utah so it is pretty new to the state as is Which Wich.  It had the kind of pleasantly dark, rustic atmosphere you'd expect at a BBQ restaurant.  I was impressed.  And I put it officially on my list of places to eat.

One of the odds things a like about this new business section was the concrete parking lot.  I'm telling you, it was so clean you could practically eat off it.  I wouldn't actually do that but with the sun directly above me I was able to get some pretty terrific pictures of my own shadow.    

Yes, I can find amusement in some of the strangest things.  That's why I have this blog.

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