Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Feldman's - a Jewish Delicatessen

Lunch today was at a new place called Feldman's Deli at 2005 East and 2700 South.  Feldman's is a Jewish deli that I learned about it from Urban Spoon.  When I saw a picture of their Sloppy Joe, I knew I had to check this place out.  And by the way, this sandwich looks nothing like what you'd think of when you hear Sloppy Joe.

I got on 1-15 and headed north.

 And then turned onto I-80 to head east.

I passed the 1300 East exist thinking that I could get there quicker if I took a different next exit, that being 2300 East.  That did not go well. 

This is me driving down 2300 East and wanting to cut west but I couldn't until I got all the way up to 3300 South.  From there, I turned right, went three blocks to 2000 East, turned right again and had to drive five full blocks back they way I came because 2300 East wouldn't let me turn right.  This is one of those rare places in Salt Lake where the streets are not you friend when you're trying to find something.  Anyway, I did find the Deli

Across the street, there was a Maverick that had some nice fluffy clouds over it.

I went in and ordered my Sloppy Joe.  The owner was going around and meeting people so I got to talk with him.   The place has only been opened since November so it is brand new.   Apparently, finding a good Jewish deli in the west is about as difficult as finding a good Mexican restaurant back east.  That's why he opened the deli.   The owner is from New Jersey so he knows what he's doing. 

Here's my lunch.

Is that not the most incredible sandwich you've ever seen?  The Sloppy Joe consists of corned beef, pastrami and cole slaw which is used as a kind of relish. I wasn't even sure how to eat a mile high sandwich like this. With a little trial and error, I was able to work out my own technique and had an amazing lunch.  Feldman's deli scores a bull's eye.

The follow photos where taken at the corner of 1200 East and 800 South.  It just looked like a good corner to stop and take photos.

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