Saturday, April 6, 2013

Scaddy's and a downtown walk

After two days of ho-hum cloud formations, they all came out today after a good rain storm last night.

For lunch, I headed to Scaddy's.

I had the Wayne Burger again.  It's the third time in a row that I've had the same thing but that Wayne burger is so good!

I became rather fixated with the clouds over the indoor swapmeet across the street.  This was the view from my seat a Scaddy's while I ate lunch.

A quick stop at Banburry Cross for a maple and a raspberry donut.

I parked my car at about 3rd Avenue and B street downtown.

I then began walking downtown to see what heavenly bodies I could find.   The next four were all taken along 1st  Avenue.

Eva's bakery is a new restaurant on Main street.  I went in to have a look around.  I'll probably check have lunch there sometime soon.

200 West 200 South

Sky Walk at City Creek Center

Back on 1st Avenue and almost back to my car.

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